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Long Overdue Update

Apologies for the long delay in providing an update. We have been immersed in the meticulous process of making various adjustments and conducting pre-manufacturing work.

The good news is that we have successfully addressed the light leak and viewfinder issues, in addition to implementing numerous minor design enhancements and passing rigorous tests. We're working on the first 10 pre-production units right now while digging out the remaining bugs. Mass production comes after that.

After a painstaking four-year journey, we can finally announce that the design has been finalized. Now to the part everybody wants to know...

What will be the price of this new camera?


Will it be available this year?


Will it be available next year?

Very likely. As early as possible next year, unless something goes terribly wrong.

What is the financial situation of this project?

The R&D costs associated with developing this camera have been sky-high. The mould costs, labour costs, and everything is just very expensive. Basically Mint is risking the whole company to get this project off the ground.

Please spread the word, we want more awareness for this project!

This picture, taken around 2010 when Mint first started, captures a significant moment. It was taken on my iPhone 3GS:

It's fascinating to look back because Mint once contemplated offering the Rollei35 but eventually shifted our focus to the Polaroid SX-70. I only later learnt that the original Rollei35 is very difficult to handle. You can only guess the focus, and it often encounters issues with the light meter.

That is my old business card we used for around 6 months before changing the official name to "Mint" by the way. Things have gone a long way.

Here's a glimpse of how the new Mint_35mm compares to the original:

Gary and the rest of Team Mint

P.S You can also find me here @gary228ho