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Test Ride

OK. So I took prototype_3 for a spin. A picture is worth a thousand words, let's just let the images speak for themselves.

Camera: Mint_35mm_Prototype_3

Kindly take note that I am an engineer, not a photographer, and I am analyzing these photographs purely from the perspective of a camera maker.

Prototype picture
__ I forgot if I used F/8 or F/5.6 in this picture. The depth-of-field is better than I thought.
Prototype picture
Prototype picture
__ No light leaks in this picture, probably because it was taken in the shade.
Prototype picture
__ The ride was going really fast at that moment. I took this picture to check the motion blur. The shutter is pretty fast I guess. Still motion, cool.
Prototype picture
__ In this picture I intended to frame the image in the orange rectangle. Not sure what happened. We might need to redesign the viewfinder.

All of the images show systematic light leak on the left hand side.

Although there is still work to be done, the images do look very promising. I can't wait to place this camera in your hands for you to give it a try!
