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SLR670m with Time Machine More than just manual shutter speeds BUY NOW » SLR670m Adding a touch of magic to the SX-70

Our philosophy for developing the SLR670 series was to create an easier to use camera for the modern photographer, while staying true to the original SX-70. Now you can have a better shooting experience while holding a camera with more than 40 years of history in it. The answer to that is an external gadget that fits seamlessly to your camera.

Built for manual control. And everything else. 16 Basic manual settings

SLR670m with Time Machine allows you to adjust the shutter speed manually. It is a never-seen-before technology developed by MiNT. You can choose 16 different manual magic settings on the time machine. This is the only SX-70 with variable shutter control. Enjoy total control over your camera!

AUTO 100 Performance like original SX-70

It works like an ordinary SX-70 with auto mode or simply unplug the Time Machine to go back to auto mode. You can use ISO100 film on SLR670 directly, or add an ND filter to use ISO600 film. Perfect for outdoors shooting!


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