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NEWS > Look! What's through the lens? #TL70Lookout

Lo-oking through the lens


#TL70Lookout | @ivany89


Thank you @ivany89 for this breathtaking picture on Instagram. It has sparked a wave of goosebumps across the MiNT office. This kind of image is what motivates our team to continue making better products!!


You guys are truly awesome.











@atomsspinningslowly / The Phoblographer / New Monday / Joe Curzon 



Show us what you see. #TL70Lookout


1. Follow our Instagram @mintcamera

2. Hashtag #TL70Lookout and show us what you see through TL70.






Upgrade to the brighter 2.0 viewfinder!



Bright Screen Upgrade Kit

If you have TL70 1.0, upgrade your TL70 to 2.0 viewfinder now! Get the Bright Screen Upgrade Kit here. It is just US$37. You can even send in your camera to MiNT for free upgrade service after getting the kit. (Recommended)

The new 2.0 Fresnel Viewfinder is much much brighter than the original one. 10 out of 10 people who have tried say it's worth it. What are you waiting for?


*We do not recommend doing it yourself. Approach a trained electrician to perform the task.





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