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Rollei 35AF Pre-Orders Now Open – Reserve Yours Today!
NEWS > There’s no better camera to experience the beauty of portraits


There’s no better camera to


experience the beauty of portraits.



Every once in a while, there's always a portrait that makes you do a double back. By taking out your analog camera, you observe and you’re bound to see the beauty in unexpected places.


Today, we can't resist to share some incredible photos with you all. lt is all about face, face and face!




SLR670 lets you do more with instant photography than ever before. Offering both High and low ISO sensitivity as well as Auto and Manual modes, all in one camera. This is the best way for you to capture the surrounding faces.



16 different shutter speeds to choose from, right on the Time Machine, all for a more diverse shooting experience. Your creativity will be limited only by what your mind can think up.


External flash sync to let you take perfectly illuminated photos! Flash is not only for adding light to a dark situation. lt can also be an incredibly creative tool for capturing varied studio style lighting pictures.




2 Auto Modes + 14 Manual Modes + External Flash Sync

Learn more about Time Machine





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Why wedding photographers love our cameras


There’s no better camera to experience the beauty of portraits


Ready, Set, Shoot!

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