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NEWS > Ready, Set, Shoot!

Ready, Set, Shoot!

Everybody has a unique story to tell, a fresh perspective to share, a new idea to present.

The RF70 serves a diverse group of extraordinary individuals - designers, thinkers, architects, dancers, poets, painters - but they all share one thing in common. They think outside the box, and recognize that the world is wider than it seems.

They have a unique story to tell. Because they see things differently.

Photos: @trithong


Ready, Set, Click!

Control the light — 14 shutter speeds

Shine under the sun, and glow in the dark.

RF70 has shutter selections from 1/500 - 1 second and beyond, which gives you the freedom to choose what kind of picture you want. With the array of speed settings, you can shoot in the dark, in the daytime, with or without flash. No matter which way the sun is shining, you will still be able to get a desirable picture.


Control the depth — 6 aperture selections

Step up from the flat and jumbled photo with no focal point. Tell a persuasive story by giving your picture a focus point.

You can choose from f/5.6 to f/22, giving you freedom to create the shallow depth-of-field. Combined with the enormous film format, it will give you phenomenal bokeh.


Control the lighting — built-in flash & external flash sync

Flash is the superhero to save you from the darkness. It can add vividness to the gloom and add a creative touch to your picture.

Some people like flash, some don't. Turn on the flash if you are in a dim lit restaurant, it definitely comes in handy. Connect RF70 to an external flash to create incredible effects.

And of course the 'AUTO' mode

If you just want carefree shooting, simply turn the setting to 'AUTO' and press the shutter button.


InstantKon RF70

Learn more about RF70 here

US$899 | 869 | HK$6,900


Complimentary pack of Instax WIDE film when purchasing an InstantKon RF70.

Hurry - shop now! Don’t miss out this limited offer.

Unlimited Free Films

Once you have bought a RF70, you can sign up for Unlimited Free Films. Learn more»

Photos: @myinstantimages

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There’s no better camera to experience the beauty of portraits


Ready, Set, Shoot!


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