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NEWS > First Batch of Selected Photos with SF70




SF70 has been officially released for a month. Let's look at the incredible work of these talented photographers!



The First Batch of Selected Photos are Live!

Congratulations Don! We think your SF70 photos are breathtaking!!

Photo: @flaneurs_journal


Thanks Roberto, your pictures are amazing too!

Photo: @robby_film




Manual Control.

Exquisitely Compact.


As camera makers, we understand the pain of having to carry a tremendous amount of heavy gear for a perfect shot. At times, when you're outside, you just want to bring something portable yet powerful and versatile enough.


The image is not too small, the camera is not too big. Just right. InstantKon SF70 is the answer.


Small but powerful



Carrying the SF70 is just like bringing a book with you.


Shutter Speed Control


Choose Auto: AUTO, A+1, A-1
Long exposure: B, T
Manual: 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1


Aperture Control


Get true optical bokeh with f/5.6
[ Which is approx. equal to f/2.4 on 35mm ]

No bokeh at all at f/22

Professional Lens Design

The SF70 camera lens is optimized for this particular setup: wide aperture, long bellow, non-standard film format. To produce high-quality images for Square film.


The result -
beautiful images on instant film


Photo: @myinstantimages, @instantphotobyseb & @fostewi_film


Join the SF70 community!



InstantKon SF70

Check out this awesome camera at →

Taiwan: Camera Lab
Japan: Yodobashi
Singapore: 8storeytree
Other stores coming soon.

Or shop the SF70 camera at our online store:

“   If you want a camera that gives you control over depth of field, unlimited multiple exposures, the ability to fully control your exposure variables and yet still have auto capability then it’s probably a good camera for you. ”
- @myinstantimages

“   lt’s my first instant camera and am absolutely hooked! The folding design and manual control are amazing and the flash works great too!”
- @fostewi_film

“   The MiNT InstantKon SF70 keeps all the things we love about instant cameras and then takes things up a notch.”


More news


The Genesis of SLR670!


First Batch of Selected Photos with SF70


Last Batch of SLR670 for 2021

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