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NEWS > The Superheroes Keeping Instant Photography Alive

Take Kayo, a.k.a. Big Head Taco, focuses on doing camera reviews of all types (film, digital, instant, etc.), as well as photography how-tos and tips.
bigheadtaco.com | @bigheadtaco


Q: What's your main motivation for photography? Has it changed throughout the years?

When I was young, photography was the primary way to keep alive the past. Seeing photographs of my parents when they were young, photos of my childhood, capturing important moments in our lives. That was the only function of photography for me at the time, and it still is an important one. However, in my early 20s I discovered I could use photography the same way I used music or writing, as a form of personal expression and storytelling. I’ve now spent the last 28 years using photography as a visuallanguage, as a way to communicate my thoughts, feelings and ideas through my cameras.


Q: You shoot film and digital. Where does instant photography fit into the picture?
Instant photography is the perfect middle format between digital and film photography. You get the instant gratification of digital, but you also get a physical product like film. The joy of holding a physical print in your hand soon after taking a picture never gets old. Some of my favourite images were captured on instant film, and I’m always excited with anticipation every time I take an instant photograph. Also, the fact that an instant photo is a one-of-one, it makes the picture even more special, especially if you gift the photo to someone.


Q: What do you like most about SF70?
The square format is my favourite INSTAX film. First of all, the overall picture, including the borders looks close to the original Polaroid integrated instant film. the SF70 is great because it’s slightly smaller than the RF70, and because of the collapsible design, it’s really easy to have it with you all day and not be a burden to carry around. I also enjoy engaging with my cameras, hence my love for film cameras. I love controlling my focus, aperture and shutter speeds. You can be more creative with the SF70 (and RF70) than most instant cameras because of this control. The camera is also a conversation piece. If you love talking to people about your camera gear, carry around the SF70 over your shoulder or around your neck. You’ll definitely have people coming up to you and asking what type of camera you have. I love it!


Q: How do you feel about the current state of photography and what does the future look like?

Photography has always evolved and progressed from its inception. Oskar Barnack changed photography when he created the Ur Leica, the first pocketable camera. Victor Hasselblad developed a fully modular medium format camera that went into space. Edwin Land created a camera that could output a photograph instantly. Digital photography is just another phase or evolution of photography.


However, today there is a huge fork in the road for the different types and uses for photography. For the average person, a smartphone camera is all they need for casual snap shots. On the other end of the digital spectrum, there are full-system interchangeable lens cameras that are both digital cameras as well as high quality video cameras, allowing modern content creators to have an entire studio worth of equipment in a single device. Then we have film and analogue photographers. Analogue photographers capture images because we love the art and craft of photography. We don’t photograph because it only serves a utilitarian function. We appreciate the craftsmanship of our cameras, we enjoy the process of capturing our images, and we love the tactility of the final product, a printed image that we can hold in our hands. I don’t think this is going to disappear anytime soon.


Look at the growth and interest in analogue photography among the young, as well as the popularity of INSTAX and Polaroid film. Film photography will never surpass digital photography, but it doesn’t have to, does it? It’s like saying that record sales are bad because it doesn’t outsell music streaming. It’s just a different culture. Film photography is here to stay and will continue to grow and evolve, as long as people keep shooting, and as long as companies like MiNT, Polaroid, Kodak, Ilford and others continue to create new products for us to enjoy and use.


[Unboxing video]
Full Manual Control INSTAX Square Camera? The MiNT Camera SF70»


KT, Mint's in-house artisan, spent over half a lifetime working in the camera industry with a focus on instant cameras. Coffee, camera components, and gears make up his everyday life.

Taking apart the SX-70, KT upgrades the internal components with modern electronics to expand its capability. The SLR670-S with manual shutter speed adjustments brings the best out of photographers of any level. Polaroid SX-70 is his all-time favorite and the inspiration for all Mint cameras.


No matter if you're a YouTuber, repair master, or coffee enthusiast, as long as you like instant photography, you can keep instant photography alive!


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