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[ Camera orders will be upgraded for free to expedited shipping ]
NEWS > The Camera That You Can Trust


Photos: @shatin.hendrix


Lighten || Darken
Up to you.


Take control. With the shutter speed and Auto ISO control, the Time Machine is designed to let you push the limit of what's possible with Polaroid film. For B mode, long exposure, press to open the shutter and release to close it. You get to control how much light you need.


Photos: @polaroidsofseb


Indoor || Outdoor

Up to you.

More than just improving the functions and reliability of the Polaroid SX-70, the SLR670 design also considers the way the photographer actually uses it.

For outdoors, use 1/500 to 1/2000 to avoid over-exposure under the bright sunlight. For indoors, connect the external flash to trigger studio lighting.


TIME MACHINE ─ for shutter speeds control and external flash sync


Split-circle || Ground-glass
Up to you.


Dr. Edwin Land preferred the ground glass design because it didn't interrupt the photographer. It allows you to focus on configuring the picture as a whole, facilitating your visual mind for better composition.

You may or may not agree with Dr. Land, but a growing number of customers are asking us for ground-glass in the SLR670.

Ground-glass screens were found in the earliest SX-70 and later in the SLR680 and SLR690 models.


To use the ground-glass, simply turn the focusing wheel of your camera until the image becomes clear.



Upgrade to Ground Glass



Add HK$250 to upgrade the viewfinder to ground glass focusing screen

for new SLR670 orders only


Some photographers prefer the original ground glass screen to the split-circle focusing screen. Ground glass screens were found in the earliest SX-70 and later in SLR680 and SLR690.





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The Camera That You Can Trust


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