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Enjoy my unboxing and first impressions video. I have begun testing SF70 out in the field and will let you know my thoughts. This foldable rangefinder INSTAX camera has aperture control, shutter speed control (or automatic), and manual focus via a dedicated rangefinder viewfinder. Based on the previous RF70 that used INSTAX Wide film, the SF70 is more compact but just as powerful as its big brother.
Look at the camera controls, go over the exciting built-in flash and off-camera flash options, and how to get the best out of the SF70.
[中文] Mint camera gives a really good experience to users who are looking for more professional instant film images. You could adjust both aperture and shutter speed manually.
All Instax Wide cameras finally gets its due in this instant review. Today we discuss the Mint Instantkon RF70. This is the King of Instax Wide Cameras
Being able to manually meter for everything was just a game-changer. So far though this thing has been great, super accurate in terms of you know taking my meter reading and then setting it appropriately on the camera. Even the auto feature as well just setting it on the auto 600 if I have 600-speed film in here it handles that great as well. l definitely going to continue to keep shooting with this camera.
I really highly recommend the mint camera if you're really serious about Polaroid photography. Then this is definitely a way to go. It's certainly the only SX-70 camera on the market that will allow you to gain any degree of manual control.rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn
I recently picked up a Mint RF70, a fully manual camera designed to accept Fuji’s Instax Wide film. After capturing a few images with it over the past few days, I’m reminded of why I love instant film so much. Yes, it’s magical watching a print develop right in front of you, but that has nothing to do with why instant film is so exceptional.
InstantKon SF70 keeps all the things we love about instant cameras and then takes things up a notch. They do this by including manual controls for aperture, shutter speeds, and manual focus.
RF70 is a really nicely made camera. The design I think does a really cool job of blending the old-school design with modern elements.