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Press Coverage

Thanks for keeping instant photography alive with us!

SX-70 Mint Flash Bar 2 Review/Comparison
Jay Bourdier
29, Sep 2017

MiNT Flash Bar is definitely interesting device and I do recommend it.rn rn rn rn There's two settings in the back, the flash has a what they call a neutral density compensation mode so it allows you to shoot with 600 films!rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn

Responding to the Downfall of the Polaroid SX-70
Julianne Dionisio
09, Aug 2017

Inspired by the SX-70, Gary and his team of 100 spent two and a half years developing the world’s first twin lens instant film camera InstantFlex, TL70. After uncountable attempts and mistakes to turn ideas into a tangible product, the InstantFlex TL70 launched in March 2015.

MiNT engineers a revolution in instant photography
Johnny Gin
30, Jul 2017

Over the years, Gary and his team have saved thousands of Polaroid SX-70 & SLR670 cameras from the scrapheap. MiNT extended not only the useful life of these models, but also enhanced their functionality, by designing accessories such as flash bars, timers, filters, and lens sets that offered more possibilities for creative expression. Then in 2015, MiNT invented the world’s first twin lens instant camera, the InstantFlex TL 70, followed by a 2.0 version a year later. Quietly, and patiently, MiNT is revolutionizing the instant photography landscape.

Anatomy Films
12, Jul 2017

This camera has the best image quality from any instant camera. Past or present. The viewfinder is Leica-bright, SLR and has a split image circle. It still has the great ‘folding into a compact body’ ability. As the Polaroid SX-70 had. And it’s simple to use. No digging through menus.

Lucile Le Doze
19, Jul 2016

We are really proud to have the SX-70 Lens Set by Mint and The Impossible Flash Bar 2 by Mint as part of our ‘Black Label’ range of accessories.

 Tutorials: correct the color temperature
Paul Chow
10, Jul 2016

As you all may already know? Every time you take a picture using the impossible films, the color turns out to be yellowish and orange color. So here're the tutorials for you to improve it.

AnalogRev: A Modern Polaroid (MiNT SLR670S)
10, Jun 2016

I believe SLR670-S is as good as SX-70 will ever get. It’s a wonderful reincarnation of a classic that would take great photos with a little bit of work.

雙鏡反光即影即有 InstantFlex TL70 2.0
05, Jun 2016

MiNT InstantFlex TL70喺上年推出之後,成為全球第一部雙鏡反光即影即有。今年MiNT將TL70進化到2.0,復古機身仍然文青,新技術就為雙鏡相機帶嚟新視野。

The Beauty of half a Century
Log on
23, Mar 2016

InstantFlex TL70 has the looks for the everyday hipsters and art enthusiasts; it will surely bring you back the enjoyment of instant photography.

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