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Press Coverage

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Responding to the Downfall of the Polaroid SX-70
Julianne Dionisio
09, Aug 2017

Inspired by the SX-70, Gary and his team of 100 spent two and a half years developing the world’s first twin lens instant film camera InstantFlex, TL70. After uncountable attempts and mistakes to turn ideas into a tangible product, the InstantFlex TL70 launched in March 2015.

Three Retro Modern Instant Film Cameras For the More Serious Photographer
Chris Gampat
31, Jul 2017

As far as image quality goes, this is honestly the best you’re going to get from the Impossible Project film. The lenses in the SLR670 are very sharp, detailed, have nice bokeh, and are capable of some really beautiful images. It truly shows off what the film is capable of deliveringrn rn rn rn The Mint InstantFlex TL70 2.0 includes a brighter finder system and uses an aperture priority metering system. It’s a TLR and the camera is just the thing that many photographers need.

MiNT engineers a revolution in instant photography
Johnny Gin
30, Jul 2017

Over the years, Gary and his team have saved thousands of Polaroid SX-70 & SLR670 cameras from the scrapheap. MiNT extended not only the useful life of these models, but also enhanced their functionality, by designing accessories such as flash bars, timers, filters, and lens sets that offered more possibilities for creative expression. Then in 2015, MiNT invented the world’s first twin lens instant camera, the InstantFlex TL 70, followed by a 2.0 version a year later. Quietly, and patiently, MiNT is revolutionizing the instant photography landscape.

Mint TL70 Top 5 images from my first 5
Robert Hamm
11, Jul 2017

We are in a nice bit of shadow and here is ash and standard for me for a portrait once again great detail out here. We are able to see that bokeh blur and we can even see the nice differentiation between her jeans and the highlights over here.rn rn

Mint Camera TL70: Day 1 Top Five things to know
Robert Hamm
10, Jul 2017

I was just getting images that I could never have gotten with any other instax camera that I have used! I can only tell you that even outdoors framing at nighttime using TL70 on the city street was easy!

Hands On Experience with InstantFlex TL70 2.0
Jim Fisher
08, Jul 2017

The Mint InstantFlex TL70 2.0 combines the classic functionality and styling of a Twin Lens Reflex camera with the fun factor of instant film.

07, Jul 2017

The InstantFlex TL70 2.0 is so fun to use. I really believe that using this camera actually helps create memories. I think that Instant film has a way of keeping us in the moment and supplanting that memory, because we are able to see it on film right then and there.

Mint vintage-style InstantFlex TL70 instant camera
12, Jun 2017

It isn’t the cheapest option, but the Mint InstantFlex TL70 camera is one of the coolest.

Cool Gadget: Mint Instantflex TL70
Photo life
16, Feb 2017

It was fun to shoot this style of camera again, it’s also a great option if you just want an instant-film camera with a great lens and some creative control.

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