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Press Coverage
Thanks for keeping instant photography alive with us!
What’s so incredible about the TL70 is the feel, look and experience.
(French) This was a busy week for MiNT. The HK manufacturer specialised in instant film cameras offers 2 new products, an upgrade kit and accessories.
Enjoy my unboxing and first impressions with this fun little camera, and look forward to a full review including shooting with it on the streets of Vancouver.
(German) The camera got an optimisation of shutter mechanism and aperture control, the viewfinder comes up to five times brighter now.
Mint TL70 於 2015 年推出,在 1 年後推出了 TL70 2.0,新版本修正了上代的不足,為延續即影即有作出更多的貢獻。
即影即有舊版雙鏡機InstantFlex TL70 2.0近期到港,取材自德國Rolleiflex雙眼相機的外表及操作方式,配以即影即有的新面貌完美重生。
MiNT InstantFlex TL70喺上年推出之後,成為全球第一部雙鏡反光即影即有。今年MiNT將TL70進化到2.0,復古機身仍然文青,新技術就為雙鏡相機帶嚟新視野。
Today the company just announced the new InstantFlex TL 2.0, a followup camera with noticeable improvements.
This is the majority of a short video review we just made of the new MiNT TL70 2.0 camera that was just released.