Press Coverage User Reviews
Press Coverage
Thanks for keeping instant photography alive with us!
Yesterday we attended the launch of two new MiNT cameras in Hong Kong, showing that despite the discontinuation of certain instant film emulsions, instant film is very much alive and kicking.
We were thrilled when Hong Kong company MiNT Camera decided to combine two camera legends together.
MiNT 於今年 5 月 31 日推出全新升級版 TL70 2.0,公司日前在本港舉行了產品發佈會,除有創辦人 Gary Ho 作產品說明外,現場更提供 TL70 即場改機服務。
MiNT Instant Flex is in Georgia! This video is dedicated to thank the fantastic team of the creators of this awesome product!
當我第一次接觸 這台由MiNT研發的 即影即有相機嘅時候 我真係覺得好Amazing
InstantFlex TL70 has the looks for the everyday hipsters and art enthusiasts; it will surely bring you back the enjoyment of instant photography.
(Italian) MiNT InstantFlex TL70 is an unique camera that combines the vintage design of a twin-lens reflex and the fun of instant photography.
(Japanese) In the past, TLR was usually a toy camera. Now, MiNT tells a different story and produces a TLR with easy handling.