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Unlock the Polaroid SX-70 | MiNT SLR670-S
Matt Day
15, Aug 2021

Being able to manually meter for everything was just a game-changer. So far though this thing has been great, super accurate in terms of you know taking my meter reading and then setting it appropriately on the camera. Even the auto feature as well just setting it on the auto 600 if I have 600-speed film in here it handles that great as well. l definitely going to continue to keep shooting with this camera.

InstantFlex TL-70 Review
Matt Day
17, Jan 2016

Finally, the wait is over! Here is my review of the InstantFlex TL-70 from MiNT. It's a twin-lens camera that shoots Fuji Instax Mini film. I enjoy TL70 very much and It is unlike any of the camera you find. Hope you guys enjoy this review!

Features and specials of InstantFlex TL70
Matt Day Photo
15, Apr 2015

The MiNT TL70 is pretty exciting! It is a TLR with manual focus, is another step forward for instant film, giving you some actual control.

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