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Street Photography video with Polaroid SX-70
Danny Damian
15, May 2023

Discover the Captivating Street Photography by Danny Damian: Shot with SX-70 Camera and Mint Flash Bar 2!

The Most Powerful Polaroid SX-70 Camera - MiNT SLR670-S
攝陸 PhotoLandHK
06, Jan 2023

[中文] Check out my hands-on experience in SLR670-S and MiNT Self(ie) Timer. MiNT has designed a new circuit board, updated the components, and let the professionals renew the appearance and skin of the camera. lt makes things easier when taking pictures with it. This is the most powerful Polaroid SX-70 in the world.

Unlock the Polaroid SX-70 | MiNT SLR670-S
Matt Day
15, Aug 2021

Being able to manually meter for everything was just a game-changer. So far though this thing has been great, super accurate in terms of you know taking my meter reading and then setting it appropriately on the camera. Even the auto feature as well just setting it on the auto 600 if I have 600-speed film in here it handles that great as well. l definitely going to continue to keep shooting with this camera.

The Polaroid Folding SX-70 on Steroids: A Review of MiNT Camera’s SLR670-S
25, Jun 2021

I really highly recommend the mint camera if you're really serious about Polaroid photography. Then this is definitely a way to go. It's certainly the only SX-70 camera on the market that will allow you to gain any degree of manual control.rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn

Polaoid SX-70 Original in 2021
01, Jun 2021

Using Mint Flash Bar 2 with Polaroid SX-70 for taking pictures everywhere. Check out the video by tkdailyrecord.

A Timeless Time Machine - SLR670-S Review
Andrea Armando (35mmc)
24, Sep 2020

Being able to choose the shutter speed gives you a lot of creative control. The quality of the images you can obtain from SLR670-S is, in my opinion, best-in-class.

Let's Have a Look at MiNT Flash Bar 2
15, Jun 2019

A thorough look at the Polaroid SX-70, accessories and SX-70 film. You can see how to use the Mint Flash Bar 2, and a bit about the time machine.

This Is Where the Magic Happens - Time Machine
Ric Latham
08, Aug 2018

This is part of where the magic happens, this little box of tricks plugs into the SLR670, where the flash bar would normally go. This then allows you to control the shutter speeds of the camera, select bulb mode, T mode and auto mode for 600 and SX-70 films.

How To Use A Polaroid Camera With Strobes
Tommy Reynolds
03, Nov 2017

This video showing you how I managed to hook up my polaroid camera to a studio strobe and expose it correctly.

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