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Thanks for keeping instant photography alive with us!

Three Retro Modern Instant Film Cameras For the More Serious Photographer
Chris Gampat
31, Jul 2017

As far as image quality goes, this is honestly the best you’re going to get from the Impossible Project film. The lenses in the SLR670 are very sharp, detailed, have nice bokeh, and are capable of some really beautiful images. It truly shows off what the film is capable of deliveringrn rn rn rn The Mint InstantFlex TL70 2.0 includes a brighter finder system and uses an aperture priority metering system. It’s a TLR and the camera is just the thing that many photographers need.

MiNT Announces Two New Instant Film Cameras
01, Jun 2016

Yesterday we attended the launch of two new MiNT cameras in Hong Kong, showing that despite the discontinuation of certain instant film emulsions, instant film is very much alive and kicking.

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