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Press Coverage User Reviews

Press Coverage

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Camera Review: MiNT InstantFlex TL70 2.0
Japan camera hunter
02, Jul 2016

MiNT have upgraded the InstantFlex with the 2.0 version. And Joe has been kind enough to give us another review.

二眼レフなのにチェキフィルム!「MiNT InstantFlex TL70」体験記
Mika Kataoka
17, Feb 2016

(Japanese) In the past, TLR was usually a toy camera. Now, MiNT tells a different story and produces a TLR with easy handling.

In your bag No: 1338 – Joe Curzon
04, Feb 2016

Here’s my current bag set up: a classic Domke F-803, a Fuji Neo Classic 90, the MiNT InstantFlex TL70 and a lens pen for this camera.

Begin 2016年 3月号
16, Jan 2016

(Japanese) We recommend the items that you could not miss out. It is so much fun to shoot with this retro camera - InstantFlex TL70.

Daytona296号 2016年2月号
06, Jan 2016

(Japanese) A feature about InstantFlex TL70 in Daytona Magazine. You should not miss out this review!

Vintage Life
29, Dec 2015

(Japanese) TL70 is officially released in Japan! This is invented and developed by MiNT. Go and check it out!

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