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Mint Flash Bar 2 Ultimate Package

Mint Flash Bar 2 Ultimate Package


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Description Reviews

Mint Flash Bar 2 Ultimate Package

Mint Flash Bar was one of our all-time best sellers – so we challenged ourselves to improve on the original. A reusable flash bar with batteries you can replace, this is an essential accessory for Polaroid SX-70 film cameras.

Keep Instant Photography Alive MINT CAMERA

MiNT Flash Bar 2 is a legendary design for Polaroid SX-70 film cameras

Are you getting bad pictures with Polaroid film? Do your SX-70 photos appear yellowish? Are the faces in your photos coming out blurry?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you’re probably missing a reliable flash!

The MiNT Flash Bar 2 is a revolutionary, reusable high quality electronic flash compatible with all folding and box-type SX-70 cameras. With the MiNT Flash Bar 2, you will never get a blurry indoor photo out of your working camera again. Shutter speed and aperture will operate according to focus distance, which guarantees a perfectly exposed photo.

- Before & After using MiNT Bar 2 -

MiNT Lens Set includes:

1. A Full-Frame Fisheye Lens

2. Yellow filter K2

3. Blue filter 80B

4. A Neutral Density (ND) filter

5. Close-Up Lens

6. Lens Holder Attachment

Full-frame fisheye lens: widen the view of your camera and improve the quality of your shots.

2. Yellow K2 filter: a great accessory to enhance the contrast of your black and white photos.

3. Blue 80B filter: correct the white balance in color photos and avoid overly reddish or yellowish photos.

4. Neutral Density filter: use Polaroid 600 film in your SX-70 camera by reducing the amount of light hitting your film.

5. Close-up lens: reduce the closest focus distance from 25.4 cm (10 inches) down to 12 cm (4.72 inches)!

Our Lens holder allows you to mount these lenses easily and keep them firmly in place. All filters are made of glass with up to 91% transparency.

MiNT Flash Bar - The accessories for Polaroid SX-70 cameras  Girl taking photos with Polaroid SX-70 camera in Hokkaido, Japan  The gear of Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 - MiNT Flash Bar and Polaroid films

KT, the artisan working in Polaroid warranty center  Polaroid SX-70 Model 1 and Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 cameras with MiNT Flash Bar  Polaroid  camera with MiNT Flash Bar

Polaroid SX-70 Model 1 and Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 cameras with MiNT Flash Bar  Polaroid SX-70 ArtFrame, the artwork inspired by Polaroid SX-70 Model 1 camera  Polaroid SX-70 Model 1 camera with MiNT Flash Bar

Photo: @8storeytree@dade_struJ.Tuliniemi & Simon Yan

This package includes:

1. MiNT Flash Bar 2 is a revolutionary re-usable high quality electronic flash bar device for all Polaroid folding and box-type SX-70-type cameras.
2. MiNT Lens Set - The Lens Set includes a Full-Frame Fisheye lens, Yellow filter K2, Blue filter 80B, Neutral Density filter, Close-up lens and a Lens Holder. Power up your SX-70 now!

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