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Rollei 35AF Pre-Orders Now Open – Reserve Yours Today!

Mint Lens Set Starter Package

Mint Lens Set Starter Package


You save US$25

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Description Reviews

Mint Lens Set Starter Package

Experience the revolutionary lens set package to take marvellous pictures anytime with your Polaroid SX-70.

You can directly adapt the lens holder behind your SX-70 camera lens and try different lenses by simply changing the lens filter. Malleable and easy to carry around, all of the filters are made of glass with up to 91% transparency. So, you won't need to adjust the exposure meter for a properly exposed picture.

Why not try the ultimate package with our all time best seller - Flash Bar 2? »

Keep Instant Photography Alive MINT CAMERA

Compatible with all folding SX-70 camera including the SX-70 Model 1, Alpha 1, Sonar, SLR670 and 680.

Check out this quick introduction to the SX-70 camera and its accessories:

This video will show you how to control the SX-70. We will show you how to take pictures in 5 easy steps. Halfway through the video, we even show you how to master the camera by offering tips for using essential accessories such as the Mint Flash Bar (2:36) and Mint Lens Set (4:05).

This package includes:

1. MiNT Lens Set - The Lens Set includes a Full-Frame Fisheye lens, Yellow filter K2, Blue filter 80B, Neutral Density filter, Close-up lens and a Lens Holder. Power up your SX-70 now!
2. Two packs of Polaroid film [Color SX-70, White Frame X 2] or state your choice of Polaroid films in remarks during checkout.




Photo: The Impossible Project Japan@mingchan_mc, Simon Yan & @hportnof

Why not try the ultimate package with our all time best seller - Flash Bar 2? »

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