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ArtFrame: The Spirit

ArtFrame: The Spirit



VIP Price

US$219You become VIP after getting your first camera.



MiNT exclusive item

Description Reviews

Own a piece of Extraordinary SX-70 art brought to you by MiNT.
SX-70 ArtFrame: The Spirit

Dimensions: 30 x 40 cm / 11.8 x 15.7 inch

Keep Instant Photography Alive MINT CAMERA

< A timeless camera is built to last a lifetime. >

Every single SX-70 is a vintage gem with its own story. Its appearance and function is second to none and it has served as the foundation for modern instant photography since its inception 40 years ago. Here at MiNT, our repair masters have restored over 50,000 SX-70 cameras – allowing them to continue serving their owners as well as they did when they were fresh out of the box.

< A Classic form – reborn. (reimagined) >

Over the years, non-working parts have been taken from the cameras we’ve restored and set aside. But these parts weren’t meant to be forgotten as they served as the heart and soul of a camera that someone cared for and used for years. So our creative team spent days and nights discussing and experimenting with the ways that we can give these old parts a second life as worthy as their first.

Our designer, Koyi Yau, took these non-working parts and - with her ingenuity, a bit of creativity, and countless sleepless nights – created these extraordinary SX-70 art pieces.

'The Spirit' is created with a combination of original Polaroid camera parts. It is a must-have collector’s piece for any Polaroid or instant photography enthusiast. It is not available for commercial purchase anywhere except here on our website. We’re proud of Koyi’s contribution and hope that you appreciate the SX-70 from this new angle – built with pieces from cameras just like yours!




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