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訂閱MiNT Camera的最新資訊
Here are some of the more challenging repairs he did recently.
Thomas Zamolo's artistic practice engages the cross-pollination of knowledge from his long-term experience in photography, dance and lighting design.
It took him 7 days to master this. How about you?
The beginning of autumn means the peak of wedding season is coming. What's better than using instant film to capture this one and only lifetime event?
There’s no better camera to experience the beauty of portraits
Orange filter | Yellow filter | UV filter - These items are dead stock and will not be available in the future.
This is what we found on Instagram, people using RF70 to make photographs. You guys never fail to amaze us.
The most beautiful camera ... doesn't always take the most beautiful pictures. Unless you can handle it, override it, and control it.
Introducing A New Instant Camera - InstantKon RF70
Find 3 WIDE FORMAT photos throughout the website. They can be anywhere, keep your eyes wide open!
He showed us various landmarks and allowed us to step back and to see our city again at a new angle. Here're some pictures taken by Bigheadtaco.