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取自 134 篇的平均評價








Stepping in...stantly
star star star star star
Dec 23rd 2014
My first encounter with a Polaroid camera was in 2002 and I was just a kid, thought it was cool, but have no idea what it was for or what to do with it, yet.
I move to the US in 2010 and doing a lot more with photography in general. I was already hip with the Fuji Instax game but it was just not for me. I was aware of Polaroid for quite some time, I see it in movies... Because this camera is so old and I was not an eBay type of guy, I thought I couldn't get this anymore.

I finally got my hands on a very nice SX-70 in 2013. I also banked on Fuji Instax wide. About 3 months in using my SX-70, I realized I shoot a lot indoors and it's very hard getting a good picture without flash or a tripod. I stumbled upon this website. It was called MINTSX70.COM and there it was, my dream camera, the SLR670!

Perhaps, I watched the introduction video too many times before SLR670 finally became available. I sold my SX-70 and got myself the wonderful SLR670.
Mint Camera had done something amazing and I believe in all their future work especially in the world of Instant photography. The old technology is at its best -the present is providing a great amount of support that can define such an old but an extraordinary invention, to become something great and timeless. Each year as it ends, I'm always excited to see what MINT will bring to the table. It's the same this year, I can't wait!
Paul Chow
MINT Lens Set Is It Worth Buying?
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Dec 17th 2014
Overall, this lens set is a good investment for shooting outdoors! For a full detail of this MINT Lens Set and a short tutorial, you can read it here:


Dec 18th 2014
Thanks for the useful tutorial and tips by you! This is our very first time to see the user to stick the ND, Blue and Fisheyes together and make a pretty cool result like this. Nice idea!

Paul Chow
My Mint Flash Bar 2
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Dec 11th 2014
Overall, this Mint Flash Bar 2 is a great investment if you want to snap shots indoors! For a full detail of this flash and a short tutorial, you can read it here:

Roger Enamorado 說
Mint flashbar and Me :)
star star star star star
Nov 25th 2014
Hello everyone!

First I'd like to say thank you to Mint for allowing me to be a part of this community. I would also like to thank them for making the most amazing flash bar ever. I love this thing! My photos come out perfect lit every time I use it. Battery life and charging time are excellent as well. This accessory made my introduction to instant film a lot more enjoyable and allowed me to be more creative. The ND compensation mode is also genius especially when you have no sx-70 film left you can pop in 600 and get perfectly exposed photos indoors and outdoors.

Thanks Mint!

Roger E.

Quick tip: early original sx-70 from 1973-1974 don't expose properly due to the exposure system. It was only designed for flashbars and not electronic flash. With my original sx70 I would have to overexposed about 2 ticks towards lighten to get a perfect shot. So it's not your flashbar that's broken it usually is something within the camera :)
MiNT and my polaroid passion
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Nov 25th 2014
My first encounter with MiNT was a first run batch of SLR670m's and the amazing abilities it held within itself. I eagerly ordered one, waited at the front door every day waiting for my package to arrive. When it finally arrived I put a pack of impossible film right in and started taking snapshots. Sadly this model I received had a shutter issue which I contacted MiNT about and the same day they were able to test and set aside a new camera which they shipped out the same time I shipped out my first one.

I waited once again and finally the mail man had a brand new camera for me. This one worked flawlessly and produced such beautiful imagery. Having the flexibility to use Sx70 and 600 film as well as using the manual exposure dial has made using this hybrid SX70 a pure joy.

It's reliable, adaptable and opens new ways to be creative with instant photography. Because of this camera I snagged the MiNT lens accessory kit and the MiNT flashbar. Everything again works so well and combined I have the tools to create unique instant photographs in nearly every situation.

Thanks to MiNT and Impossible I can reliably create amazing instant photographs that have opened up all new artistic realms for myself. Great job I creating the most unique camera of our time by perfecting the most amazing camera from years past.
star star star star star
Nov 11th 2014







1.    原廠寶麗來flash bar: 




2.   寶麗來原廠和副廠的鎂光燈:



3.   MiNT出產的mint bar: 














P.S. 考考大家,下圖彩色和黑白兩對的相片有何不同?是如何攝影的?下篇會作詳談。
Joe miller 說
Brilliant lens kit for Polaroid camera
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Nov 6th 2014
I bought the Mint Lens Set few months ago and have used it for a few times, I think it is a nice product and is reasonably priced, considering it comes with 5 different lenses. The colour filters are all glass filter and are very durable. l love all of them, especially to the fisheye lens. lt can capture the wider angle, perfect for city's landscape . This is a truly valuable accessory for your SX-70. Thank you so much for bringing this to us, MiNT.
polaroid sx70
star star star star star
Nov 5th 2014
当时上网突然看见网上一张宝丽来机器图片吸引得一塌糊涂是一台全金的sx-70 alpha1,一下子我就疯狂的在网上看了暴雨pola的资料,当然也很快圆梦存钱拥有我人生中第一台pola机器,走入这不归路。但拍了几盒后发现这原产的相纸因停产非常的贵,开始不太舍得去买相纸,转移收机器,但也很担心收回来的机器后期因高价的原产纸没法继续喂饱它们,但在这焦虑之时庆幸的是突然听到tip要复活呕吐片的消息,当时真的非常兴奋,在第一版测试版本就已经忍不住出手,但当我用了一盒就发现连显影都难,爆浆,山脉,也谈不上见光死了,然后第二版出来也是第一时间支持,但是还是山脉,见光红,(如图一)就算庆幸有无缺角的,也因为温度问题怎张片子出现“消失”的情况,黑白是最严重的。那时彻底被tip的呕吐搞得失望之极,但又想到如果没人去支持,那就彻底完了,这不可能的任务也必须有我们这样疯狂的爱好者去支持才能进步,到了后来的金边锐度和显影缩短到半小时,后期时间慢慢缩短,出了不少美丽动人的框架,都另不少人因此而加入到pola来,mint的70闪灯也为70 棚拍(图2棚拍)做了不少贡献,回电和同步越来越好,这点用过的人都知道,不一一去说了。总结tip相纸的恶心的鸡蛋黄色,我认为是现时必须去解决的,不要一味更新的只是美丽的框架而忽略主要的调子,还是要更接近原产的调子才是关键。其余显影时间和厚度,存放方面,我认为只是时间问题!最后再次感谢mint给予我分享。
斌 香 說
Mint flash bar 2
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Oct 29th 2014
我自己覺得呢個 flash bar 幾方便, 除左可以連接外置的閃燈, 如果你單獨用佢果陣又可以選擇閃燈的強度, 我有一張相係係日光情況下, 但因為拍攝地點係一個室內同有背光情況, 我用緊 PX680 film, 我選擇左 flash bar 的強度為 1/2, 所拍攝出黎的效果我好鐘意, 佢仲跟埋 2 塊慮鏡, 1螢光紅1螢光綠, 我落左塊螢光紅, 令到成張相的色調出黎幾 vintage!

如果日後佢再出改良版, 我希望佢可以將個 hot shoe 插位做返同傳統一樣果種, 因為係外面買到大部份連接線的兩頭都唔係一樣, 而往往 studio 果d燈上面都係用目前 flash bar 2 上面果種插位, 不過買個 adapter 都可以用到, 係紅勘廣場2樓間攝影用品店可以買到, 約 $30
Mint Flash Bar 2
star star star star star
Oct 24th 2014
I am a huge fan of Mint's Flash Bar 2, its the perfect flash for all my sx70's. i mostly use 3 folding sx70's, 2 of which are standard and one that has been converted to take 600 film. The half flash setting is the perfect setting for that 600 camera, although it has been modded, when i plug a flash in the camera reverts to standard sx70 and the half flash setting perfectly compensates for that and gives me perfectly lit photos indoors with that camera. When I'm using the other two cameras, that are standard sx70, i usually go with the full flash setting and get amazing results. Overall I'm a huge fan. Im also a big fan of the color flash filters and i wish mint wound release a whole bunch more so i can take photos with every color of the rainbow! Heres something i figured out though, when you put both of the filters on at the same time, one on top of the other, you get a really cool orange color burst.

Oct 24th 2014
Hi Harry, good ideas! We will consider to make more color filters for fulfilling the creative needs to the users like you. Thank you for your continuing support! Feel free to share more reviews. How about your long exposure photos with SLR670m? The night view in New York are pretty amazing. l bet everyone is waiting for your experience and tips there. Excited. :)