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MiNT Flash Bar is definitely interesting device and I do recommend it.rn rn rn rn There's two settings in the back, the flash has a what they call a neutral density compensation mode so it allows you to shoot with 600 films!rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn
If you’re a Polaroid camera lover, you definitely need to check out MiNT’s latest creation. The classic camera purveyor just unveiled the SLR670-S Noir.
MiNT has announced the SLR670-S Noir. If you are an old Polaroid aficionado, than this could be a camera that you want to get your hands on.
We are really proud to have the SX-70 Lens Set by Mint and The Impossible Flash Bar 2 by Mint as part of our ‘Black Label’ range of accessories.
There’re a couple things that keep it from being the perfect camera - a year later it’s still the first camera I reach for when I want to shoot instant film.
MiNT InstantFlex TL70喺上年推出之後,成為全球第一部雙鏡反光即影即有。今年MiNT將TL70進化到2.0,復古機身仍然文青,新技術就為雙鏡相機帶嚟新視野。
This set is the must-have accessory for every Polaroid SLR Camera owner! Get inspired and start playing with the SX-70 Lens Set by MiNT!
(Japanese) SX-70 doesn't have flash itself. MiNT Flash Bar exists to overcome this shortcoming.
そんなSX70専用の電池式フラッシュバーが ヴァージョン2となって中目黒のショップに帰ってきました