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Over the years, Gary and his team have saved thousands of Polaroid SX-70 & SLR670 cameras from the scrapheap. MiNT extended not only the useful life of these models, but also enhanced their functionality, by designing accessories such as flash bars, timers, filters, and lens sets that offered more possibilities for creative expression. Then in 2015, MiNT invented the world’s first twin lens instant camera, the InstantFlex TL 70, followed by a 2.0 version a year later. Quietly, and patiently, MiNT is revolutionizing the instant photography landscape.
Let me start by saying this. The SLR670M is truly my favorite integral camera ever made and I can’t believe we have lived without it for this long.
SLR670m + Time Machine – the first SX-70 camera that allows its user to adjust the shutter speed manually.
There’re a couple things that keep it from being the perfect camera - a year later it’s still the first camera I reach for when I want to shoot instant film.
SLR670m is a match made in Heaven and bolsters my confidence and excitement for not only this camera, but the Impossible Project as well.
I acquired one of the first out, and have been using it quite a bit, working to learn its strengths and quirks. rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn
我寧願它是一部全手動,自定光圈快門的相機,都不想要它的自動爆光功能。最後真的有公司讓它實現了︰Mint 670M
For me, the biggest selling point on this camera is it’s versatility. The SLR670m, due to is manual controls can use both SX-70 and 600 film types with it. You can go an entire day, in all types of light and only need one polaroid camera. Just make sure you bring both film stocks to cover your day. rn rn rn rn This is especially appealing because carrying around both an SX-70 and an SLR680 in my bag was rather cumbersome, especially considering the size of the 680. That sonar and flash combo can take up quite a bit of room. With the SLR670m, you have your one and only go to Polaroid camera.