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Rollei 35AF Pre-Orders Now Open – Reserve Yours Today!
tl70 film type

Films For TL70

Compatible with Fujifilm Instax Mini films. 2R credit-card-size. 10 sheets per pack.

Instax Mini has a film sensitivity of ISO800. Manufactured by Fujifilm Japan, it is currently the best selling instant film in the whole world and widely available. Apart from the color film, Instax Mini Monochrome is the perfect match with TL70.

The price is also often friendlier than Polaroid film - only half or a third. What's more, once you have bought a TL70, you can enjoy unlimited free films. You won't need to spend a single penny on films anymore.

Compatible with :

Compatible with instax mini Compatible with instax mini UFF

Get started. Grab your TL70 now »


Thanks for keeping instant photography alive: Annehollond, Matt day, Vicuña, Tore Frellumstad, Kan Cheng, miun, Jamie Allison, tiffinykaetzel, robhammphoto, jalatimyo, instaklu, vicuna73, Visual Creature and ryan.asano

Unlimited Free Films

∞ Unlimited Free Films Movement for TL70 users

Once you have bought a TL70, you can enjoy unlimited free films! You won't need to spend a single penny on films anymore. Find out more »

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