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Rollei 35AF Pre-Orders Now Open – Reserve Yours Today!



warranty enblem

Step 1 - Tag your item

Step 2 - Tag yourself

Step 3 - Enjoy the comprehensive warranty!

*Please keep your original sales receipt/ order confirmation email and complete online warranty registration within 14 days of receiving the item.



After-sales service

Warranty Service

Our customers are our highest priority. We are committed to the highest standard of quality and guarantee our products are free of defects when they arrive at your door.

Online technical support

Online Technical Support

If you’re experiencing issues with your camera, we’re a keyboard away. If these issues are not something that can be fixed on your own, we are always ready to offer our assistance. Please send a detailed email about the issue (with photos) to info@mint-camera.com

Our protection network

Our Protection Network

Did you buy one of our cameras from a local retail store? If you are experiencing a product defect within the warranty period, please go to the retail store where you originally purchased the product from to receive a prompt replacement.